Saturday 3 November 2012

Theme 2: Investigating Force And Energy

Unit 4: Measurement

(a) Length is the distance between two points.
(b) Length can be measured using non-standard tools such as paper clips.
(c) It can be measured using standard tools like rulers and measuring tapes.
(d) Standard units for length are mm, cm, m or km

(a) Area is the size of a surface.
(b) It can be measured using non-standard tools such as stamps or tiles.
(c) The area of a rectangle or square can be calculated as follows:

(a) Processes that repeat uniformly can be used to measure time.
(b) Time can be measured accurately using a stopwatch.
(c) Standard units for time include second, minute(min) and hours(hr).

(a) Volume is the amount of space occupied.
(b) The volume of a cuboid/cube can be calculated as follows:

(a) The mass of an object tells us how heavy or light the object is.
(b) The standard units for mass are kilogram(kg), gram(g) and milligram(mg).
(c) Mass is measured using balances.

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